Extraordinary information regarding the apport of Wallis Autómegosztó Zrt.
In accordance with Sections 55 of Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market and to comply with the disclosure requirement set out in Annex 4 in PM Decree No. 24/2008. (VIII. 15.), AutoWallis Nyrt. (registered seat: 1055 Budapest, Honvéd utca 20.; hereinafter: “Company”) hereby informs market participants as follows.
The Board of Directors of the Company, by Resolution 1/2023 (19.VII.) decided – subject to a contingent condition – on
- the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Wallis Autómegosztó Zrt. (registered seat: 1033 Budapest, Kórház utca 6 12.; company registration number: 01-10-141923) by way of contributions of the shareholders of this company of their shares in the company to AutoWallis Nyrt. in exchange for which the shareholders will acquire new shares to be issued by the Company (the “Contribution Agreement”).
- the increase the share capital of the Company in respect of the Contribution Agreement by 50,750,906 new dematerialised ordinary shares of Series “C” with a nominal value of HUF 12.50 per share and an issue price of HUF 96.55 per share, taking into account the average share price on the stock exchange on the 30 calendar days preceding the decision. As a result, the Company’s share capital will increase from HUF 5,528,612,525 to HUF 6,162,998,850, with an amount of HUF 634,386,325, while the remaining amount of HUF 4,265,613,675 will be transferred to the Company’s capital reserve (“Capital Increase”).
The closing of the Contribution Agreement has not yet taken place at the time of publication of this information. The closing of the Contribution Agreement is a prerequisite for the registration of the Capital Increase with the Companies Court and the issuance of new shares.
Upon closing of the Contribution Agreement, the new shares to be issued in the Capital Increase will be received by the sellers of Wallis Autómegosztó Zrt. (74.99% Wallis Asset Management Zrt., 21.39% Széchenyi Tőke Alap, 3.62% management).
Wallis Asset Management Zrt. is part of the Wallis Group, so the Wallis Group will further increase its influence in the Company in the event of the closing of the Contribution Agreement. Wallis Group will lock up the shares to be acquired in the Capital Increase for a period of 12 months.
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