
Information regarding the notification pursuant to 61 § of Capital Market Law


AutoWallis Plc. (registered seat: 1055 Budapest,Honvéd utca 20.) provides the following information pursuant to Act CXX of 2001on Capital Markets complying its disclosure obligation prescribed by the PMdecree of 24/2008. (VIII.15.).

 On October 27, 2021, AutoWallis ESOPOrganization transferred a total of 16,584,585 AutoWallis ordinary shares to certainmember of the Board of Directors participating in the ESOP under the terms ofthe Employee Share Ownership Plan (hereinafter: ESOP). In view of this, thenumber of AutoWallis ordinary shares owned by the AutoWallis ESOP Organizationchanged to 3,980,244 ordinary shares.

Annex: Form to be used for announcing the acquisition or disposal of voting shares orvoting rights pursuant to 61§ of Capital Market Law