Extraordinary Announcement
AutoWallis Public Limited Company (company registration number: 01-10-047350; registered office: 1055 Budapest, Honvéd utca 20.; hereinafter the “Issuer”), by reference to the Extraordinary Announcement published on 2 July 2020, hereby informs its investors about the following:
The contribution-in-kind transaction concluded with DC-INI Vagyonkezelő Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (registered office: 9022 Győr, Bajcsy Zs. út 52., Building B, 1st floor, company registration number: 08-09-031244; hereinafter: “DC-INI”) aimed at the acquisition by the Issuer of a quota representing 40% of the share capital of INICIÁL AUTÓHÁZ Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (registered office: 9028 Győr, Külső Veszprémi utca 6.; company registration number: 08-09-010382; hereinafter: “INICIÁL”) with a face value of HUF 40,000,000 (hereinafter the “Quota”) was closed and executed on 10 July 2020.
The Registry Court procedure and the KELER procedure associated with the new share issue are currently in progress.
In addition, the Issuer hereby informs its investors that the amounts indicated in the Extraordinary Announcement published on 20 July 2020 under no. K262903/2020 on the capital increase associated with this transaction are specified and finalised as follows:
“within the framework of the capital increase, it resolved to issue a total of 13,589,503 new, dematerialised, series “C” ordinary shares with a face value of HUF 12.50 and an issue value of HUF 85.36 each. As a result, the Issuer’s share capital increases by HUF 169,868,787.50 from HUF 3,552,164,037.50 to HUF 3,722,032,825, while the remaining HUF 990,131,188.58 amount is transferred to the Issuer’s capital reserve.”
Budapest, 10 July 2020
AutoWallis Nyrt.
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